6M EME impressions

22/03/2012 graat 0

Below are some photo’s of an experiment to do some EME on 6M. In coöperation with Han, PE1NYZ we succeeded in a few months. It […]


04/04/2010 graat 0

Sometimes things go wrong in ham radio. Sometimes it is your own stupid mistake and sometimes you just cannot help it and it just happens […]

Ede 2010 EME meeting

03/01/2010 graat 0

Bruce PY2BS came to visit Germany and decided to come over to spent a few days in the Netherlands. For this ocasion Jan PA3FXB organised […]

Photo book Thorn

20/10/2020 graat 0

Thorn is a village, more than 1000 years old. Around the year 995 an abbey was founded by count Ansfried and his wife Hereswint. Later […]