23cm coaxial bandpass filter.
A K&L Microwave Inc coaxial filter for 23cm. Very nice to keep unwanted signals out. SMA in- and output. About 16cm long. € 25 plus shipping. One available.
Usable for 1296Mhz
Model: 10B120-1300/600-0
Center freq. is 1300Mhz, bandwith 600Mhz (stopband at 1000 and 1600Mhz)
Insertion loss measured on 1296Mhz = 0.45dB
-10dB @ 980 and 1590Mhz
-30dB @ 900 and 1620Mhz
> -50dB @ 1700Mhz Power handling 18W

23CM Hybrid W6PQL new
New, unused hybrid coupler for 23cm. Made by W6PQL. Details to be found here: Price €20 + shipping costs

13cm fingerfilter 7 pole.
A 7 pole fingerfilter for 13cm 2304-2320 MHz. BNC in- and output. €25 plus shipping. One available.

Scalar feedhorn Chaparral Feed for 10 GHz
Fits on 22mm copper pipe. The 22mm pipe can be squeezed in WR90 flange and making a transition from round to square. Have a look at this page: https://pa3csg.nl/?page_id=1697
€59 plus shipping.

Dual dipole feed for 432MHz cables couplers and dipoles
A dual dipole feed for 432 MHz complete set. Similar to this ONE. Used for many years in my 8M dish. Suitable for 0.4-0.5 F/D dishes
Cables are low loss with N type connectors on them. The cables are fairly new. The couplers may need some cleaning, so do the dipoles. One dipole may need some work. Make me an offer for dipoles / power dividers and cables.

VE4MA Superfeed for 24GHz.
Aluminum milled 2 available €34

PCB board for the PWR SWR meter.
With this board you can measure PWR and SWR in a very accurate way. It has some protection circuitry on board for amplifiers. In its most basic form SWR / Temperature.
New features:
- auto-ranging
- adapted for VHF – UHF use.
- wide band input
- less wiring
- Uses arduino nano, easy programming
- adaptable to most detectors as AD8313 AD8362 etc
- mW meter function
For all info see this PAGE
PCB only €10 available.
Please ask for shipping costs!
PCB board for the Arduino sequencer V2.
A PCB for the Arduino sequencer is available for €10,00 An easy to build fun project, No SMD soldering involved!
You can find the article HERE

432 MHz Preamp
This preamp is build around a ATF53189. The gain is around 20dB and the noise figure is 0.3dB. SMA female in- and output Preamp in a tinned box 74 x 37 x 30mm Price €50